Monday, November 07, 2011

Wait for me!

Wait for me!

I met Suzanne four years ago at the neighborhood playground.  We had both recently moved here, we both had boys the same age, we were both significantly overweight and we both had a desire to do something about it.  I've always had friends that were overweight but weight was a sore subject for most of them so we never talked about.  Suzanne was different.  She was my weight loss soul mate! LOL!  A week or two after we met we joined the gym together and that's how our friendship began.  We worked out everyday (most days for 2 hours) and tried different diets together.  We lost weight, gained weight, lost weight, gained weight, complained to each other about it...that was OUR thing.  Until recently.

About two months ago she decided to start this new weight loss plan.  She called me and was so excited explaining everything that she was going to do.  To me it sounded horrible because she wasn't allowed to eat any good stuff and what was the point of living if you had to torture yourself?  But I didn't want to burst her bubble so I cheered her on like any good friend would do but secretly I was thinking to myself, "Yeah right, let's see how long this one lasts, ha ha."  How many diets have we tried in the past, all chicken broth diet, grilled chicken and lettuce diet, slim fast and the let's see how long we can go without eating anything diet and we never lasted any longer than a day or two on any of them.  I was surprised that on Day 3 she was still going strong and losing significant amounts of weight but then I got the call on Day 4.  Yep, this diet was almost over...she was lying in the kitchen floor in front of the refrigerator crying because she wanted to eat! 

Not really sure how she did it but somehow she managed to find the strength to not cheat that night and the next day she was back on track. After the first month she lost 22.6 lbs and 14.75 inches!  What?  That is insane!  I can't believe she had stuck to it that long and had lost that much weight.  They say that you only have to do something for 21 days before it becomes a habit so maybe this time was different.  Maybe she was really going to stick to this plan and if so was I going to lose my "soul mate"?  I knew I had to make a choice.  I could either cheer her on from the side lines and eventually resent her progress while I did nothing or I could jump on that train with her and go along for the ride.  Luckily I made the decision to jump and I'm so glad that I did!  Today marked the end of week 1 for me and I'm down 6 lbs in 7 days!  That is crazy!  Of course I owe it all to my dear friend who showed me that it can be done and for her calling me out in my moments of weakness..."Jennifer, put down the M&Ms and sweet tea and walk away!  It's not worth it!" LOL!

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