Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It has been almost four months since my last posting. As many of you know my mom fell ill over Christmas and was eventually diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer on January 17th. After weeks of tests, treatments and even an attempt at experimental surgery she lost the battle last week on March 18th. The entire family is still in shock. It's hard to understand how a young, healthy, beautiful woman could die so suddenly from such a dreadful disease. I count my blessings that I got to spend her last 8 weeks by her side and even held her hand as she took her last breath.

I cannot even begin to describe the pain and suffering that I am faced with after losing not only my mother, but my best friend. The only thing that has kept me going is my sweet little angel, Bryson Reid. He is the ray of sunshine that puts a smile on my face. At almost 19 months he is still the life of the party and never meets a stranger. He can carry on in-depth conversations, maybe not in English but in "Bry-Bry" language. And...he is swimming now! I know no one will believe me but the child is not afraid of water at all. At the beach he will run into the water with waves almost knocking him over. At the pool he will jump right in from the edge (luckily I have always been there to catch him). We have to keep a life vest on him at all times just in case.

Unfortunately, I do not have any new pictures downloaded to post at this time but hopefully I will have a few minutes this weekend to get that done. I'm sure you all are just as anxious to see him as I am to show him off. :)
