Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Meanest Mommy Ever!

Can someone please tell me how to stop a 6 year old from constantly whining and pouting?  I can't take it anymore!  Bryson whines and pouts over everything.  Even when he gets his way he pouts.  Friday he was off from school and had a friend over to play that morning.  He was great but that afternoon and night all he did was whine and pout.  Finally I had enough!  After days of threatening I packed up ALL (yes I said ALL) of his toys and put them in garage.  For everyday that he is good meaning no whining or pouting he gets to pick one toy to bring back in the playroom.  Looking at that empty playroom upset me.  Had I gone too far?  Was this a little too drastic for a 6 year old?  Am I the meanest mommy ever?  Too late now, I have to stick to my guns!  So I did.  This weekend Bryson was an angel.  Actually he has been an angel ever since.  The first toys that he asked for was his big toy story dolls (Buzz, Woody and Jessie) and the second was his cars. He has 3 big baskets of cars so we made a deal that he could pick the cars that he wanted to keep but they had to fit in 1 basket.  I think the kid kept 15 cars total out of 150.  That's all he has asked for even though he has been good and could have earned more stuff back.  I have to admit it has been nice cleaning out all of those toys before Christmas but the empty shelves look so sad. :(

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